Akena, Dennis Gengomoi
The Role of Secondary School Sports in Gender and National Identity Formation in Uganda
Benz, Annika
Ethnographische Einblicke in die deutsche Klimagerechtigkeitsbewegung
Blasor, Erik
Conservation, Sustainable Development and Institutionally Contested Space: The Southwest Alentejo and Costa Vicentina Natural Park
Braukmann, Fabienne C.
Documentation of Bayso (Cushitic) and Haro (Omotic): two Afroasiatic endangered languages of the Abbaya Lake in the Ethiopian Rift Valley
Diederich, Manon
Longing to Become - On Gendered Identities and Mobilities between Senegal, Gambia and China
Eghbal-Azar, Kira
Affordances, Appropriation and Experience at Museum Exhibitions: From (Eye) Movement Patterns to Exhibition Visit Scripts
Fritzsche, Katarina
Schulen als Vermittlungs- und Arbeitsräume der Ethnologie in Deutschland und England: Entwicklung, Praxis, Grenzen
Goodwin, Charlie
The changing body of folk knowledge among !Xun and Hai||om hunter-gatherers in North-Central Namibia.
Guene, Enid
The End of Hunting: Transformation and Adaptation among Hunter-Gatherers in Kenya.
Holdermann, Simon
Digitale Öffentlichkeiten und gesellschaftliche Transformation im Hohen Atlas, Marokko
Horisberger, Nora
Rhythm and relation in watery places: An Ethnography of the Parnaíba Delta, Brazil
Ivars, Benoit
Modes and effects of the infrastructuring of the Ayeyarwady (Irrawaddy) Delta in Myanmar
Klapp, Marcel
Islamdiskurse und Soziae Praxis - Gegennarrative zu extremistischer Propagand und deren Rezeption unter jungen Muslimen
Krämer, Anna
Im Schatten des gobalen Yoga: eine religionsethnologische Untersuchung translokaler Zentren postkolonialer Spiritualität in Indien
Lacan, Léa
Forest conservation in Baringo, Kenya: socio-ecological relations and shifting bio-cultural frontiers
Lange, Christoph
Genealogien & Stammesgeschichten arabischer Pferde – Eine vergleichende Netzwerkanalyse des transkulturellen Milieus arabischer und westlicher Züchter, Händler & Pferde-Liebhaber
Lussem, Felix
People out of place, places out of time: Der Nexus von regionalem Niedergang und Migration
Maevis, Carolin
Mobilität, Medien und Moral. Zur translokalen Vernetzung einer islamischen Erneuerungsbewegung – Paris und Bamako
Morkel, Nelli
Being Hui in Yunnan, China: Media practices, qingzhen, space and negotiating Sino-Muslim identities and authenticities
Müller-Kone, Marie
Autochthonie-Diskurse in Elfenbeinküste und Kenia
Mund, Sarah Isabell
Die Nordwestküste Kanadas im Antrhopozän: Die Auswirkungen von Aquakulturen auf die bedeutende Beziehung zwischen Indigenen und Lachsen
Saiyarod, Panitda
Icoming Sino - Thai Railway: The Social-Ecological Transformations along the Belt and Road Corridor Between China and Thailand
Schumann, Kim
Keyboard Warriors: the role toh the diaspora and digital media in the Cameroonian Anglophone Crises
Simon, Sandro
Living the Tana Delta: Rhythm and Practice Between Wet and Dry
Sowa, Katrin
Doing Border, Making Nation: Kategorisierungspraktiken und Infrastrukturen an den Grenzposten Kenias
Steffny, Annette
Disconect to Reconnet - Urbanities Making Rural Futures in Turkey
Treidl, Johanna
Wetlands – Widow's land? A Critical Investigation of Wetland Areas as Sustainable Resource for Food Security in Rwanda – What has gender got to do with it?
Turan, Elςin
Making Music, Reclaiming the Sacred: Alevi Practices Between Rural Turkey and Transnational Space
van Soest, Matian
Wetland Agriculture and the Political Ecology of Malaria: A Case Study of Namulonge, Uganda.
Vehrs, Hauke-Peter
Perceptions and cultural appropriations of landscape-level (biological)invasions. Environmental change and social transformation in East Pokot, Kenya
Vobis, Gertrud
Sozio-ökonomische Strategien in Zentraljava, Indonesien
Wagner, Nicole
Charismatic religious leaders as navigators in socio-ecological crisis in the Lake Naivasha Region, Kenya
Wesch, Ulrike
Transnationale Friedensarbeit: Die Bedeutung der Friedensinitiativen der Acholi-Diaspora Großbritanniens für die Prozesse des peacebuilding in Nord-Uganda
Whande, Tanyaradzwa
Wildlife-livestock-human interface in the Kavango- Zambezi Transfrontier conservation area: Perceptions on the threat of foot and mouth disease upon livestock in communal areas.
Wufuer Mairihaba
The Impact of the Belt and Road Initiative on the Livelihood of Uyghur Traders in Kazakhstan
Zafer, Karim
Unaccompanied Minor and Youth Refugees Making a Family