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Lectureship WiSe 20/21; SoSe 21; WiSe 2021/22; SoSe 22;
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Lectureship WiSe 20/21; SoSe 21; WiSe 2021/22; SoSe 22;
Summer semester 2020 with Sonja Esters: 14506.1301 BA BM 3 | Zur Konstruktion von Ethnie, Nation, Rasse, Kultur - postkoloniale Perspektiven
Winter semester 2018/19 Theoretische Konzepte - Ethnologische Migrationsforschung. Kulturbeschreibung zwischen Theorie und Praxis
Summer semester 2018: Gender in (West-) Africa: concepts, debates and practices, Münster
Winter semester 2016/17: Interkulturelle Kompetenz als Herausforderung für die Ethnologie
Summer semester 2014: Transnationale Migrationsforschung: Sino-afrikanische Migrationsbewegungen
Winter semester 2013/14: Zur Transformation von Geschlechterverhältnissen in (West-)Afrika
Since April 2014: Scholarship Holder at the a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School of the University of Cologne, Class 4 "Local Cultures in the Globalized World".
Since 2013: Lecturer at the Department of Social and Cultural Social Anthropology at the University of Cologne.
2013: Master of Arts in Geography at the University of Cologne, Master Thesis (Magisterarbeit): "Manoeuvring Through the Spaces of Everyday Life. Transnational Experiences of African Women in Guangzhou, China."
2012/2013: Student Assistant (Studentische Hilfskraft) at the Department of Geography at the University of Cologne.
2012: Student Assistant (Studentische Hilfskraft) at the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Cologne.
2010/2011: Study of Geography at the Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou (China).
2010: Internship at the Foreign Aid Department of the Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund (ASB), Cologne.
2006-2013: Study of Geography, Social and Cultural Anthropology and African Studies at the University of Cologne.
Member of the Doktorand*innen-Netzwerk gender und queer at the University of Cologne.
Member of the Chinese in Africa/Africans in China Research Network (CA/AC Research Network).
Migration and Mobility, Gender, Feminism and Intersectionality, Methods and Methodology, Globalization, Anthropology and Intercultural Competence.
Senegal and China.
Struggling to Become an Autonomous Wife - Conflicting Notions of Womanhood Among Senegalese Migrants in Guangzhou (PhD Project).
Uturn-Asia: Collaborative Multimedia Project on Gambian Migrants' Experiences in Asia.
Manoeuvring Through the Spaces of Everyday Life. Transnational Experiences of African Women in Guangzhou, China. (completed)
"Struggling to become an autonomous wife": Conflicting Notions of Womanhood among Senegalese Migrants in Guangzhou. Workshop "Africa-China/China-Africa Mobilities", Cologne 2018.