Marie Müller-Koné, M.A.
Short Biography
Marie is pursuing her PhD with Prof. Michael Bollig, University of Cologne, and Prof. Conrad Schetter, University of Bonn, scientific director of the Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC). As a researcher with BICC, she has undertaken research on internal conflicts in Africa related to the governance of natural resource use since 2009, with a particular focus on extractive resources and the social and political ramifications of their exploitation.
Her PhD dissertation is concerned with discourses of autochthony in Ivory Coast and Kenya, which have been re-gaining popularity since the 1990s and have been linked to repeated outbreaks of violence between different ethnic groups, leading to displacements from land in both countries. The research looks into past and present norms and practices that underpin these discourses, including norms and practices transmitted through colonial and post-colonial state institutions. Methodologically, it proceeds through a media-based discourse analysis of debates in public fora (national parliaments, newspapers, internet TV, social media), enhanced through historical sources and interviews in selected localities that experienced violence.
Thematic Interests and Regional Focus
Human Environment Relations, Socioeconomics, Global-Local-Translations, Peace and Conflict Studies.
Müller-Koné, Marie (2015): "Débrouillardise: certifying 'conflict-free' minerals in a context of regulatory pluralism in South Kivu, DR Congo", in: The Journal of Modern African Studies, Issue 02 (53),145-168.
Bernarding, Nina; Lena Guesnet; Marie Müller-Koné (2015): "No rebel without a cause. Shifting the debate about conflict minerals in eastern DRC", BICC Working Paper 2/ 2015, Bonn: BICC.
Müller-Koné, Marie; Peter J. Croll (2015): "Forging war or peace? The role of the state in extractive economies of Sub-Saharan Africa", in: Hartard, Susanne and Wolfgang Liebert (eds.) Competition and Conflicts on Resource Use. Natural Resource Management and Policy, Vol.46, Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London: Springer.
Guesnet, Lena; Marie Müller-Koné (eds.) (2014): "Compensation Matters. Securing community interests in large-scale investments", Dialogue 13, Berlin: Brot für die Welt.
Doevenspeck, Martin, Lena Guesnet, Marie Müller (2013): “Ostkongo: der ewige Krieg?” in: Marc von Boemcken, Ines-Jacqueline Werkner, Margret Johannsen, and Bruno Schoch (eds.). Friedensgutachten 2013. Münster: Lit Verlag, 278–91.
Hütz-Adams, Friedel; Marie Müller (eds.) (2012): "Auf der Suche nach dem sauberen Gold: Kleinbergbau von Gold in Peru und DR Kongo", BICC Brief 46, Bonn: BICC.
Müller, Marie (2011): "Turning the curse into a blessing: A convenient illusion. Lessons from the Nigerian EITI process", in: Runge, Jürgen; Shikwati, James (Eds.): Geological Resources and Good Governance in Sub-Sahara Africa. Routledge: London, 69-88.
Guesnet, Lena; Marie Müller; Jolien Schure (2009): "Natural resources in Côte d’Ivoire: fostering crisis or peace? The cocoa, diamond, gold and oil sectors", BICC Brief 40, Bonn: BICC.