Nelli Morkel, M.A.
Short Biography
Since April 2016: Research Assistant (Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft) and Lecturer at the Department of Cultural and Social Anthropology, University of Cologne.
07/2015: Summer School "First Summer Lecture Series on Critical Literature on Trans-Himalayan Studies" at the Minority University in Kunming, China.
11/2014-10/2015: Scientific Member (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin) at the Departement of Social and Cultural Anthropology and Doctoral Researcher Fellow (DFG funded project: Mediale Ausgestaltung translokaler sozialer Räume durch westafrikanische MigrantInnen).
08-10/2014: Scientific Assistant for Cologne Social Philosophy and Anthropology (CoSPA).
07/2014: Master of Arts in Cultural and Social Anthropology at the University of Cologne (Master Thesis: Medienaneignung und Identitätskonstruktion in China am Beispiel der historischen Fernsehserie "The Legend of Zehn Huan").
08/2011-07/2012: Study of Chinese Culture and Philosophy at Fudan University in Shanghai, PRC.
2006-2014: Study of Cultural and Social Anthropology, German Philology and Philosophy at the University of Cologne.
Research Interest and Regional Focus
Religion and media studies, Islam in China, ethnicity and identity, minority politics, popular culture.
East Asia, China (especially Jiangsu and Yunnan province).
Research Project
Being Hui in Yunnan, China: Media practices, qingzhen, space and negotiating Sino-Muslim identities and authenticities. (phd project, working title)
Courses and Seminars
Winter Semester 2016/17: Regionalseminar: Populärkultur in Ostasien. Medien, Gender, Modernität.
Summer Semester 2016: Ethnische Minderheiten in China.