Qian Zhu, M.A.
Short Biography
October 2016: CEA Master Project Institute for Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Cologne
April 2013: Candidate for Doctor of Ethnology, University of Cologne
Sep. 2007 - Juli 2010: Master of Law, Guangxi normal university, Guangxi, China. Major: Ideological and Political Education, Supervisor: Chunyi Lin.
Sep. 2003 - Juli 2007: Bachelor of Law, Guangxi normal university, Guangxi, China. Major: Ideological and Political Education, GPA: ranking No. 1 in my class.
Research Interests and Regional Focus
Political Ecology, Extractive Economy, Conflicts and Governance Over Sand and Village Studies.
Guangxi Province, Southwest China.
Awards (Selection)
March 2016: KAAD rewards
7 June 2015: DAAD rewards for three months of exchange research in Guangzhou, China.
20 November 2014: Grant for research abroad which was funded by the a.r.t.e.s.Graduate School at the University of Cologne
2008-2009: Won the B level Scholarship from Guangxi Normal University
2008: Won Real Dragon Scholarship (5000 yuan) from Guangxi Department of Education