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A collection of recommended and helpful readings for studying Ethnology (with library and USB Cologne signatures), additional links, thematic blogs, helpful software and - most IMPORTANT - downloads of module guides and guidelines for doing academic writing.
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1. Introduction and Overview
Antweiler, Christoph. 2003. Ethnologie lesen: ein Führer durch den Bücher-Dschungel. Arbeitsbücher – Kulturwissenschaft; 1. 3. Auflage. Münster [u.a.]: Lit. [Signatur: BIBL 228a]
Beer, Bettina; Fischer, Hans; Pauli, Julia (Hg.). 2017. Ethnologie: Einführung in die Erforschung kultureller Vielfalt. Ethnologische paperbacks. 9. Auflage. Berlin: Reimer. [Signatur: HDB 159, 8]
Bierschenk, Thomas; Krings, Matthias; Lentz, Carola (Hg.). 2013. Ethnologie im 21. Jahrhundert. Berlin: Reimer. [Signatur: ETHN 556]
Eriksen, Thomas Hylland. 2015. Small Places, Large Issues. An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology. 4. Auflage. London: Pluto Press. [Signatur: ETHN 604 und 3. Aufl., 2010 online]
Fox, Richard G.; J. King, Barbara (Hg.). 2002. Anthropology Beyond Culture. Oxford: Berg. [Signatur: ETHN 428]
Hahn, Hans-Peter. 2013: Ethnologie: Eine Einführung. Berlin: Suhrkamp. [Signatur: ETHN 557]
Hann, Christopher. 2000: Social Anthropology. London: Hodder and Stoughton. [Signatur: ETHN 605]
Hendry, Joy. 2016. Sharing our Worlds. An Introduction to Social Anthropology. 3. Auflage. New York: New York University Press. [Signatur: ETHN 547a]
Heidemann, Frank. 2011. Ethnologie. Eine Einführung. UTB; 3467; Kulturwissenschaft. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. [Signatur: HDB 318 und online]
Kuper, Adam. 1999. Culture. The Anthropologists´Account. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. [Signatur: METH 657]
Peoples, James; Bailey, Garrick. 2015. Humanity. An Introduction to Cultural Anthropology. 10. Auflage. Stemfort, CT: Wadsworth Cengage Learning. [Signatur: ETHN 377, 15]
2. History and Theories of Anthropology
Barnard, Alan. 2000. History and Theory in Anthropology. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press. [Signatur: ETHN 416 und online]
Barth, Fredrik [et al.]. 2005. One Discipline, Four Ways: British, German, French, and American Anthropology. Chicago: Chicago University Press. [Signatur: ETHN 416 und online]
Carmack, Robert M. 2015. Anthropology and Global History: from tribes to the modern world-system. London [u.a.]: Rowman & Littlefield. [Signatur: ETHN 596]
Dhawan, Nikita; Do Mar Castro Varela, María. 2015. Postkoloniale Theorie: eine kritische Einführung. Cultural studies 36. 2. Auflage. Bielefeld: Transcript. [Signatur: ETHN 571]
Erickson, Paul A. 2017. Readings for a history of anthropological theory. 5. Auflage. Toronto [u.a.]: University of Toronto Press. [Signatur: ETHN 599]
Harris, Marvin. 1999. Theories of culture in postmodern times. Walnut Creek, CA [u.a.]: AltaMira. [Signatur: METH 651]
Kuper, Adam. 1996. Anthropology and Anthropologists: The Modern British School. 3. Auflage. London, Routledge. [Signatur: ETHN 250b]
3. Fieldwork and Methods
Beer, Bettina (Hg.) 2008. Methoden Ethnologischer Feldforschung. Ethnologische paperbacks. 2. Auflage. Berlin: Reimer. [Signatur: METH 696c]
Beer, Bettina; Fischer, Hans. 2009. Wissenschaftliche Arbeitstechniken in der Ethnologie. 3. Auflage. Berlin: Reimer. [Signatur: HDB 220c]
Bernard, Russel. 2015. Handbook of Methods in Cultural Anthropology. 2. Auflage. Walnut Creek, Calif.: AltaMira Press. [Signatur: HDB 214a und online]
Bernard, Russel. 2006. Research Methods in Anthropology. Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. 4. Auflage. New York: AltaMira Press. [Signatur: METH 422f und 5. Aufl. online]
Coleman, Simon (Hg.). 2011. Multi-sited ethnography: problems and possibilities in the translocation of research methods. Routledge advances in research methods; 3. New York [u.a.]: Routledge. [Signatur: METH 771 und online]
DeWalt, Kathleen M.; DeWalt, Billlie R. 2010. Participant Observation. A Guide for Fieldworkers. 2. Auflage. Walnut Creek, Calif.: AltaMira Press. [Signatur: METH 685a]
Fischer, Hans (Hg.). 2002. Feldforschungen. Erfahrungsberichte zur Einführung. Ethnologische paperbacks. Berlin: Reimer. [Signatur: METH 352b,c]
Fischer, Hans. 1996. Lehrbuch der genealogischen Methode. Ethnologische paperbacks. Berlin: Reimer. [Signatur: METH 595a]
Illius, Bruno. 2012: „Feldforschung“. In: Beer, Bettina; Hans Fischer (Hg.): Ethnologie. Einführung und Überblick. Ethnologische Paperbacks. 7. Auflage. Berlin: Reimer, S. 75-100.
Okely, Judith. 2012. Anthropological Practice. Fieldwork and the Ethnographic Method. London: Berg. [Signatur: METH 783]
O’Reilly, Karen. 2012. Ethnographic Methods. 2. Auflage. London: Routledge. [Signatur: METH 814 und online]
Robben, Antonius; Sluka, Jeffrey (Hg.). 2012. Ethnographic Fieldwork. An Anthropological Reader. 2. Aufl. Blackwell anthologies in social and cultural anthropology; 9. Malden, Mass. [u.a.]: Blackwell. [Signatur: METH 736a]
Sanjek, Roger; Tratner, Susan W. (Hg.). 2015. eFieldnotes: The Makings of Anthropology in the Digital World. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. [Signatur: METH 815]
Schensul, Jean J.; LeCompte, Margaret D. 2013. Essential Ethnographic Methods. A mixed methods approach. 2. Auflage. Ethnographer's Toolkit; 3. Walnut Creek, Calif.: AltaMira. [Signatur: METH 816]
Spittler, Gerd. 2001. Teilnehmende Beobachtung als Dichte Teilnahme. In: Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 126 (1): 1-25. [Signatur: Z 4, 126:1 und online]
4. Focus Areas
Socioeconomic Anthropology
Carrier, James G. 2012. A Handbook of Economic Anthropology. 2. Auflage. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. [Signatur: HDB 312a und online]
Chibnik, Michael. 2011. Anthropology, Economics, and Choice. Austin: University of Texas Press. [Signatur: WIRT 409]
Dalton, George. 1969. Theoretical issues in economic anthropology. In: Current Anthropology 10: 63-102. [online]
Hann, Christopher; Hart, Keith. 2011. Economic Anthropology. History, Ethnography, Critique. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press. [Signatur: WIRT 380]
Lang, Hartmut. 2010. Systeme der Wirtschaftsethnologie: Eine Einführung. Reimer: Berlin. [Signatur: WIRT 371]
Mauss, Marcel. 1968 [frz. Orig.: 1925]. Die Gabe. Form und Funktion des Austauschs in archaischen Gesellschaften. Frankfurt/Main: Suhrkamp. [Signatur: GES 35a]
Rössler, Martin. 2005. Wirtschaftsethnologie. Ethnologische paperbacks. 2. Auflage. Berlin: Reimer. [Signatur: WIRT 271b]
Wilk, Richard; Cliggett, Lisa. 2007. Economies and Cultures: Foundations of Economic Anthropology. 2. Auflage. New York: Westview Press. [Signatur: WIRT 247a und online]
Environmental Anthropology
Anderson, E. N.; Sutton, Mark Q. 2014. Introduction to cultural ecology. 3. Auflage. Lanham, Md. [u.a.]: Altamira. [Signatur: E/BIOL 283 und 2. Aufl. online]
Barnes, Jessica (Hg.). 2015. Climate Cultures: Anthropological Perspectives on Climate Change. New Haven [u.a.]: Yale University Press. [Signatur: E/BIOL 276 und online]
Bollig, Michael. 2006. Risk Management in a Hazardous Environment: a Comparative Study of two Pastoral Societies. Studies in human ecology and adaptation; 2. New York [u.a.]: Springer. [Signatur: AF 456a und online]
Brun, Catherine; Blaikie, Piers; Jones, Michael (Hg.). 2014. Alternative development: unravelling marginalization, voicing change. Farnham [u.a.]: Ashgate. [Signatur: ENTW 227]
Crate, Susan A. 2016. Anthropology and climate change: from actions to transformations. 2. Auflage. New York [u.a.]: Routledge. [Signatur: E/BIOL 279 und online]
Crumley, Carole L. 2001. New directions in anthropology and environment: intersections. Walnut Creek [u.a.]: AltaMira Press. [Signatur: E/BIOL 104]
Haenn, Nora; Wilk, Richard; Harnish, Allison (Hg.). 2016. The Environment in Anthropology. A Reader to Ecology, Culture and Sustainable Living. New York: New York University Press. [Signatur: E/BIOL 145a]
Hecht, Susanna B.; Morrison, Kathleen D.; Padoch, Christine (Hg.). 2014. The social lives of forests: past, present, and future of woodland resurgence. Chicago [u.a.]: University of Chicago Press. [Signatur: E/BIOL 260]
Henwood, Roland; Turton, Anthony (Hg.). 2002: Hydropolitics in the developing world. A Southern African Perspective. Pretoria: African Water Issues Research Unit. [Signatur: AF/S 453]
Engagement/Environment and Anthropology
Feral Atlas - The More-Than-Human Anthropocene. Curated and Edited by
Anna L. Tsing et al.
Media Anthropology
Allen, Susan (Hg.). 1994. Media anthropology: informing global citizens. Westport, Conn. [u.a.]: Bergin & Garvey. [Signatur: METH 567]
Ang, Ien. 2005. Watching Dallas: soap opera and the melodramatic imagination. London [u.a.]: Routledge. [Signatur: GES/M 103]
Banks, Marcus; Ruby, Jay (Hg.). 2011. Made to be seen: perspectives on the history of visual anthropology. Chicago und London: The University of Chicago Press. [Signatur: GES/M 142]
Bender, Cora, Zillinger, Martin. 2015. Handbuch der Medienethnographie. Ethnologische Paperbacks. Berlin: Reimer. [Signatur: HDB 325]
Bull, Michael. 2000. Sounding out the city: personal stereos and the management of everyday life. Oxford [u.a.]: Berg. [Signatur: GES/M 111]
Horst, Heather; Miller, Daniel (Hg.). 2012. Digital Anthropology. London [u.a.]: Berg. [Signatur: GES/M 153]
Köhn, Steffen. 2016. Mediating mobility: visual anthropology in the age of migration. London [u.a.]: Wallflower Press. [Signatur: GES/M 179]
Lagaay, Alice; Lauer, David (Hg.) 2004. Medientheorien: eine philosophische Einführung. Frankfurt [u.a]: Campus-Verlag. [Signatur: GES/M 112]
Spitulnik, Debra. 1993. Anthropology and mass media. In: Annual review of anthropology 22: 293-315. [Signatur: Bibl 27, 22 und online]
Media Anthropology
Visual Anthropology
Sound Ethnography Project
Globalisation and Translocal Mobilities
Basch, Linda; Glick Schiller, Nina; Szanton Blanc, Cristina. 1995. Nations unbound: transnational projects, postcolonial predicaments and deterritorialized nation-states. Amsterdam: Gordon and Breach. [Signatur: E/ID 125]
Braukämper, Ulrich; Hauser-Schäublin, Brigitta (Hg.). 2002. Ethnologie der Globalisierung. Perspektiven kultureller Verflechtung. Ethnologische paperbacks. Berlin: Reimer. [Signatur: KUWA 110]
Brettell, Caroline. 2015. Theorizing Migration in Anthropology: The Cultural, Social, and Phenomenological Dimensions of Movement. In: Migration theory: Talking across disciplines. 3. Aufl., 2015: 148-197. [Signatur: E/ID 158a und online]
Eriksen, Thomas Hylland (Hg.). 2003. Globalisation. Studies in Anthropology. London: Pluto Press. [Signatur: KUWA 116 und online]
Harmsen, Andrea. 1999. Globalisierung und lokale Kultur. Eine ethnologische Betrachtung. Münster: LIT. [Signatur: KUWA 140]
Lewellen, Ted. 2002. The Anthropology of Globalization. Cultural Anthropology enters the 21st Century. Westport: Greenwood Press. [Signatur: KUWA 104 and online]
Reuter, Julia; Neudorfer, Corinne; Antweiler, Christoph (Hg.). 2006. Strand, Bar, Internet. Neue Orte der Globalisierung. Volume 10. Münster: LIT. [Signatur: KUWA 138]
Wonneberger, Astrid; Gandelsman-Trier, Mijal; Dorsch, Hauke (Hg.). 2016. Migration – Networks – Skills. Anthropological Perspectives on Mobility and Transformation. Transcript Verlag: Bielefeld. [Signatur: E/ID 266 und online]
5. Social Anthropology
Alber, Erdmute; Coe, Cati; Thelen, Tatjana. 2013. The Anthropology of Sibling Relations: shared parentage, experience, and exchange. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. [Signatur: GES 1178]
Brandtstätter, Susanne; Santos, Gonçalo D. (Hg.). 2011. Chinese Kinship: Contemporary anthropological perspectives. Routledge contemporary China series; 33. London [u.a.]: Routledge. [Signatur: AS/O CHI 304 und online]
Sahlins, Marshall. 2013: What Kinship is – And is not. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. [Signatur: GES 1191]
Barnard, Alan; Good Anthony. 1984. Research Practices in the Study of Kinship. ASA research methods in social anthropology; 2. London: Academic Press. [Signatur: METH 338, 2]
Carsten, Janet. 2004. After Kinship. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Signatur: GES 912 und online]
Fox, Robin. 1973. Kinship and Marriage: An anthropological perspective. Pelican books: Pelican anthropology library. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books. [Signatur: GES 221]
McConvell, Patrick; Keen, Ian; Hendery, Rachel (Hg.). 2013. Kinship systems: change and reconstruction. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press. [Signatur: GES 1183 und online]
Parkin, Robert J. 1997. Kinship: An Introduction to Basic Concepts. Oxford: Blackwell. [Signatur: GES 734]
Stone, Linda. 2014. Kinship and Gender: An Introduction. 5. Auflage. Boulder: Westview Press. [Signatur: GES 720b und 4. Aufl. online]
6. Blogs
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