Lange, Christoph [under contract]: Decolonising the Arabian Horse - The Breeding, Circulation and Certification of the Straight Egyptian Arabian in the 21st Century. Unpublished Doctoral Thesis.
Lange, Christoph. 2022. "A Global Arabian Horse Kula, or: ‘The Fundamental Interconnectedness of All Things’." ZfE | JSCA 147: 189–202.
Holdermann, Simon, Christoph Lange, Michaela Schäuble, and Martin Zillinger. 2021: Rethinking New Media and Mediterranean Publics. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie | JSCA (Special Issue: Rethinking the Mediterranean) 146 (1-2): 1-10.
Lange, Christoph. 2021. Data Swarms Revisited – New Modes of Being. Platypus - CASTAC Blog. March 2, 2021.
Lange, Christoph 2020: "How to Win Elections in the Eastern Delta of Egypt: Towards the Idea of a Strategic Tribalism." Zeitschrift für Ethnologie | JSCA (Special Issue: Rethinking the Mediterranean): 317–342
Holdermann, Simon, Christoph Lange, Michaela Schäuble, and Martin Zillinger. 2020: Rethinking the Mediterranean: Extending the Anthropological Laboratory across Nested Mediterranean Zones. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie | JSCA (Special Issue: Rethinking the Mediterranean) 145 (2): 175–196.
Lange, Christoph. 2020. "The Making and Remaking of the Arabian Horse - From the Arab Bedouin Horse to the Modern Straight Egyptian." In Horse Breeds and Human Society: Purity, Identity and the Making of the Modern Horse, edited by K. Guest and M. Mattfeld, 234-250. London: Routledge.
Lange, Christoph et. al. 2019. "Das Flurgespräch als ethnographisches Feld." boasblogs papers 1: 64-76.
Lange, Christoph. 2018. "Interspecies Performance. The Composition of the Arabian Show Horse as Living Sculpture." In The Situationality of Human-Animal Relations - Perspectives from Anthropology and Philosophy, edited by Thiemo Breyer and Thomas Widlok, 143-166. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag.
Lange, Christoph (2018): conference report: Infrastructures of Publics and Publics of Infrastructures, 08.12.2016 – 10.12.2016 Siegen, in: H-Soz-Kult, 07.06.2018.
Lange, Christoph. 2016. "Die Erforschung translokaler Netzwerke, die Zucht arabischer Pferde und globale Standardisierungs- und Zertifizierungsdiskurse." In a.r.t.e.s. jahrbuch 2015/2016, edited by a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School for the Humanities Cologne, 42-55. Köln: a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School for the Humanities Cologne. (or online at L.I.S.A. Wissenschaftportal Gerda Henkel Stiftung)
Lange, Christoph. 2016. "Purity, Nobility, Beauty and Performance. Past and Present Construction of Meaning for the Arabian Horse." In The Meaning of Horses : Biosocial Encounters, edited by Dona Lee Davis and Anita Maurstad, 39-53. New York, NY: Routledge.
Lange, Christoph. 2012. Beduinität und Authentizität im syrischen Fernsehdrama: Eine medienethnologische Analyse am Beispiel der Serie Finğān ad-Dam. Vol. 31/2012. Halle Saale: ZIRS.