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Katarina Fritzsche, M.A.

Short Biography

Since 2013: Academic Assistant, Department of Cultural and Social Anthropology, University of Cologne.

2010 - 2013: Graduate Assistant, Department of Cultural and Social Anthropology, University of Cologne.

2010: MA (Magistra Artium) in Cultural and Social Anthropology. Title of thesis: "Children of Hope? Lebenswelten von Kindern in einem Squattercamp und einem Township in der Westlichen Kapprovinz, Südafrika" (Children of Hope? Children's life worlds in a township and a squattercamp, Western Cape Province, South Africa).

2009 - 2010: Student Assistant (SUM Project), Department of Cultural and Social Anthropology, University of Cologne.

2003-2010: Studies of Cultural and Social Anthropology, Arthistory, Prehistory at the University of Cologne.

Fellowships and Grants

2013-2015: Vice Speaker of the GAA-Working Group "Ethnologische Bildung"

2012: Research Grant by The German Academic Exchange Service

Since 2012: Student Fellow of the Royal Anthropological Institute, London, UK

2011-2013: a.r.t.e.s.-Collegiate

Thematic Interests and Regional Focus

Anthropology of Education, Anthropology in Education, Anthropology of Childhood and Youth, Intercultural Communication and Learning, Methods in Anthropology, Human-Animal-Relationships.

Southern Africa, Northwest-Europe.

Research Projects

Since 2010: "Ethnologie und Schule in England und Deutschland: Entwicklung, Ziele, Praxis, Grenzen" (Pre-University Anthropology in England and Germany: Development, Aims, Practice, Limitations)  (PhD-project; current title) .

2014-2015: "Wissen, Weltbild und Diversität im deutschen Bildungssystem" (Knowledge, Worldview and Diversity in the Context of Germany's Education System); see list of publications.

Courses and Seminars (Selection)

Summersemester 2016: Human-Animal-Relations

Wintersemester 2015/16: Public Anthropology

Summersemester 2013 and 2014: Teaching Pre-university Anthropology (seminar in cooperation with the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum and a primary school)

Wintersemester 2013/2014: Intercultural Education and Anthropology – theoretical and methodological interfaces

Summersemester 2010: Introduction to Pre-university Anthropology


Fritzsche, Katarina 2016: Schule, Universität und Museum vernetzt: Reflexion eines Projektseminares. In: Standbein Spielbein, Ausgabe 105: 34-37.

Hadjer, Kerstin und Katarina Fritzsche (Hg.) 2015: Wissen, Weltbild und Diversität im deutschen Schulsystem. Ethnologische Forschungen in Zusammenarbeit mit der Offenen Schule Köln und dem Humboldt-Gymnasium Köln. 2 Bände. Köln: Universität zu Köln.