Research Fellow (DoBeS-Project 'Haro/Bayso') University of Hamburg, Asia-Africa-Institute, Dept. for African and Ethiopian Studies

by appointment only
Research Fellow (DoBeS-Project 'Haro/Bayso') University of Hamburg, Asia-Africa-Institute, Dept. for African and Ethiopian StudiesOffice Hours
by appointment only
2012 - 2017: Research Fellow at the Asia-Africa-Institute, Department for African and Ethiopian Studies, Hamburg University, Germany; DOBES-Project "Documentation of Bayso (Cushitic) and Haro (Omotic): two Afroasiatic endangered languages of the Abbaya Lake in the Ethiopian Rift Valley", funded by the Volkswagen Stiftung
2012 - 2016: Associate Researcher at the Institute of Ethiopian Studies, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia
Since 2014: Doctoral Student in Social Anthropology, University of Cologne, Germany
2009 - 2011: Graduate Assistant at the Collaborative Research Centre 806 "Our Way to Europe", University of Cologne, Germany
2005 - 2011: Magistra Artium in Social Anthropology, University of Cologne, Germany
Ethiopia: 2010, 2012/13, 2014, 2015/2016 (19 months)
Cook Islands: 2009 (2 months)
Cultural Change, Cultural Forgetting and Remembering, Critical Heritage Studies, Ethnicity, Minority Studies, Marginalization, Culture-Environment Adaptation, Culture and Language Documentation.
Horn of Africa (especially Ethiopia), Oceania (especially Polynesia).
Braukmann, Fabienne (with Susanne Epple and Graziano Savà). Under revision. Overcoming layers of marginalization. Adaptive strategies of the Bayso and the Haro people of Lake Abbaya, Southern Ethiopia. In: Susanne Epple (ed.). Artisans, hunters and slave descendants in Ethiopia. Recent observations on status negotiations and social boundary shifting. Studien zur Kulturkunde. Berlin: Reimer Verlag.
Braukmann, Fabienne (with Susanne Epple). 2014. "External designation versus self-identification: the case of the Bayso and Haro people on Gidiccho Island, Lake Abbaya." In: Susanne Epple (ed.), Creating and crossing boundaries in Ethiopia. Dynamics of social categorization and differentiation. Münster: LIT Verlag, pp. 245-265.
Braukmann, Fabienne. 2012a. Marginalised hunters? Political and cultural challenges among the Haro of Lake Abaya (southern Ethiopia). Paideuma 58: 181-196.
2012b. Nilpferdjäger, Weber, Salzhändler. Wirtschaftliche Strategien und soziale Organisation der Haro Südäthiopiens im Wandel (Master Thesis, with an English summary). Kölner Ethnologische Beiträge. Heft 41. Köln: Institut für Ethnologie, Universität zu Köln.
forthcoming. Girke, Felix (ed.). 2014. Ethiopian images of self and other. Schriften des Zentrums für Interdisziplinäre Regionalstudien, vol. 2. Universitätsverlag Halle-Wittenberg. In: ITYOPIS – Northeast African Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (NEAJ).
SoSe 2011: "Wer weiß was? Das Konzept Wissen in Ozeanien", Lehrbeauftragte am Institut für Ethnologie, Universität zu Köln
WS 2010/11: Tutorium zum Basismodul 1 "Einführung in die Ethnologie" am Institut für Ethnologie, Universität zu Köln
WS 2009/10: Tutorium zum Basismodul 1 "Einführung in die Ethnologie" am Institut für Ethnologie, Universität zu Köln