Erik Blasor, M.A.
Short Biography
Since 2018: PhD student Cultural Anthropology, Universität zu Köln / Forschungsreisestipendium des Deutschen Akademischen Auslandsdienstes (DAAD) / Fieldwork in Odemira, Portugal.
Since 2014: Freelance work copy-editing, transcription, and translation (u.a. Bildersturm Filmproduktion GmbH, Field Recordings Filmproduktion, ingenhoven architects gmbh)
2012-2017: M.A. in Cultural Anthropology, Universität zu Köln.
2014-2015: Fieldwork in Ericeira, Portugal / Study of Geography and Sociology, Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
2007-2012: B.A. in Cultural Anthropology, Linguistics and Phonology, Universität zu Köln.
Thematic Interests and Regional Focus
Human-Environment Relations, Social Stratification and Distribution of Power, Interdisciplinary Studies.
Southern Europe, Portugal.
Research Projects
Conservation, Sustainable Development and Institutionally Contested Space: The Southwest Alentejo and Costa Vicentina Natural Park (PhD Project)