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University of Cologne
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Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology
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Overview of Home
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Overview of Department
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News and Events
Offers for Schools
Job Offers
What is Social and Cultural Anthropology?
Globalization, Mobilities and Cities
Environmental Anthropology
Media Anthropology
Socialities, Value(s), and Religion
Overview of Staff
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Academic Staff (Professors)
Academic Staff (Lecturers)
Associate Staff
Associate Lecturers
Research Project Staff
PhD Students
Former Staff, and Retired Professors
in memoriam
Working Group Antidiscrimination
Student Association
Studying and Courses
Overview of Studying and Courses
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B.A. Cultural and Social Anthropology
How to apply
New at the Department?
B.A. Programme Structure
Start of Bachelor Social and Cultural Anthropology
Buddy Programme
M.A. Social and Cultural Anthropology
How to apply
New at the Department?
M.A. Programme Structure
Start of Master Social and Cultural Anthropology
Buddy Programme
M.A. Culture and Environment in Africa
How to apply?
CEA Programme Structure
Culture and Environment in Africa Series
Get Inspired by CEA Alumni
Buddy Programme
PhD Programme
How to apply?
More Study Programs
Semester Courses
Globalization, Mobilities and Cities
Environmental Anthropology
Media Anthropology
Socialities, Value(s), and Religion
M.A. Programme Structure
B.A. Programme Structure
Subject-Specific Student Advisory
New at the Department?
M.A. Programme Structure
B.A. Programme Structure
Start of Bachelor Social and Cultural Anthropology
Start of Master Social and Cultural Anthropology
Buddy Programme
Student Life
New at the Department?
Student Life in Cologne
Student and Alumni Voices
Tools, Resources, Downloads
Funding Opportunities
Student Association
Paths to Employment
Academic Training
Fieldwork Practice
Current Fieldwork Practice
Archive Field Work Projects
Ethnography on your Doorstep
Research Class World Heritage
Fieldwork self-organised or affiliated to ongoing research projects
Field, Summer and Winter Schools
Current Fieldwork Practice
Professional Training
Ethnography on your Doorstep
Research Class World Heritage
Student Projects
Ethnography on your Doorstep
Study Abroad
Overview of Research
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Thematic Focus Areas at the Department
Globalization, Mobilities and Cities
Environmental Anthropology
Media Anthropology
Regional Focus Areas at the Department
Research Projects: Ongoing
Kölner Ethnologische Beiträge Bd. 51 -ff
Cologne Working Papers in Cultural and Social Anthropology
Kölner Ethnologische Studien
Podcasts "Research, Action and Art"
Culture and Environment in Africa Series
Blog Series "The boasblogs"
Kölner Ethnologische Beiträge Vol. 1-50
Overview of International
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Regional Focus Areas at the Department
Study Abroad - in Europe
Fieldwork self-organised or affiliated to ongoing research projects
Study Abroad - Worldwide
Fieldwork self-organised or affiliated to ongoing research projects
Overview of Library
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Using the Library and Circulation
Collection and Holdings
Electronic Resources
A/V Equipment Reservations
Kölner Ethnologische Beiträge Bd. 51 -ff
Cologne Working Papers in Cultural and Social Anthropology
Kölner Ethnologische Studien
Podcasts "Research, Action and Art"
Culture and Environment in Africa Series
Blog Series "The boasblogs"
Kölner Ethnologische Beiträge Vol. 1-50
Contact Us
Overview of Contact Us
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Office and Consultation Hours
Term Dates + Deadlines
USB-Portal Anthropology
Overview of Imprint
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Sie sind hier:
Visual Anthropology
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Prof. Dr. Michaela Pelican
Dr. Anna Lisa Ramella
Visual Anthropology
Prof. Dr. Michaela Pelican
Former Staff
Dr. Anna Lisa Ramella