Summer | 2023 Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change
This summer semester 2023, the anthropology department is cooperating again with the Institut für Ökologie und Aktions-Ethnologie (Infoe) for the seminar “Indigenous communities and global environmental change” taught by Prof. Michael Bollig and Sarah Mund. We will have Indigenous guest speakers from different areas of the world who will share their perspective on the environmental changes they experience.
The guest lectures are open for anyone interested. If you would like to attend a session, please register with Sarah Mund –
Wed 10.5.2023 10-11.30am Guest lecture Pedro Cona Caniullan - Chile – in person at the university
Wed 14.6.2023 10-11.30am Guest lecture Pasang Dolma Sherpa - Nepal – online
Wed 28.6.2023 10-11.30am Guest Lecture Simon Peter Longoli – Uganda – online
INFOE - the Institute for Ecology and Action Anthropology will host two events on "Pastoralism today" (download flyer) and invites you to participate:
With events on „Pastoralism today" INFOE wants to focus on the current situation of herders worldwide and draw attention to current challenges and prob-lems. We have invited sheep and goat herders from Cologne, Simon Peter Longoli from the Karamoja Development Forum in Uganda as well as other international pastoralist experts. With the contributions of our international guests we would like to present diffe-rent perspectives and experiences, exchange ideas and discuss the potential of pastoralism in the face of today's challenges for a social and ecological transformation..
- Thu. 29.6.2023 | 15.30 h: Field trip on pastoralism to the Wahner Heide area
- Fri. 30.6.2023 | 15.45 Uhr: International Discussion event at Universitätsclub in Bonn, (Online participation possible)
Both events will take place in English with translations to German.
Participation in both events is free. Also, no special know-ledge on pastoralism is necessary to attend the events..
To participate, please register by e-mail until 26th of June 2023, with Sabine at
Past Events
Winter 2020/21 | Lecture series (on ZOOM) organized by Sarah Mund together with Infoe, which will be coupled to the seminar of Prof. Bollig The Anthropology of Climate and Climate Change
This semester - winter 2020/21 - , the department continues to collaborate with Infoe (Institut für Ökologie und Aktions-Ethnologie) on the topic of indigenous peoples and climate change.
Again, there will be a lecture series (on ZOOM) organized by Sarah Mund together with Infoe, which will be coupled to the seminar of Prof. Bollig "The Anthropology of Climate and Climate Change".
During the ZOOM lectures indigenous people from different countries will share and discurss their perspectives on the changing climate with the participants.
The dates and topics of the lectures will be published here as soon as possible. The following are already confirmed:
Rodion Sulyandziga, Center for support of indigenous peoples of the North (CSIPN), Russia:
Engagement of Udege people in protected areas management and climate change mitgation
15.12. 2020:
Jasmine Neosh, College of Menominee Nation, USA:
The Menominee sustainable forest management as a basis for community resilience in times of climate change and crisis
Pasang Dolma Sherpa, Centre for Indigeneous Peoples Research and Development (CIPRED), Nepal:
Climate change in the Himalaya region and progressive Gurung women for resilient communities in Nepal ?
Simon Peter Longoli, Karamoja Development Funds, Uganda:
Etamam - traditional negotiation mechanism of the Karamojong in times of multiple crisis
Krissusandi Gunui’ as the Executive Director of Institut Dayakologi and Julianto Makmur as the interpreter (English-Indonesian-English):
Empowering Dayak communities to combat inequality and cope with the impacts of climate change
Anyone interested can notify Sarah Mund ( and will receive further information and the Zoom invitation in due time.
In summer semester 2020 as part of the Master course "Indigene und Klimawandel" held by Sarah Mund there was also a panel discussion with two indigenous representatives - Pasang Dolma Sherpa from Nepal and Rodion Sulyandziga from Russia - who are both working in UN organisations on the topic of climate change.
Topics for the discussion were:
- How are indigenous peoples represented in the (inter)national climate change discourse and policy making.
- How can anthropologists or activists support indigenous peoples in the face of climate change?